Thursday, 13 October 2011

An Open Letter

Dear Occupy Wall Street

I thought it was time I sent you a letter with some suggestions as to how you can improve your campaign and actually achieve something.

Firstly though I must congratulate you. For a long time those of us who believe in fair play, economic and social equality and good old fashioned common sense have been rather annoyed to see that despite the massive world wide recession - which among other things is sending the Eurozone into a tailspin. Watch it go - those in power and those responsible have done very little.

Here in the UK alone we've seen the Bankers partially responsible for the recession skip merrily away with six figure bonuses and the Banks quash any attempt at serious reform on the grounds that it would interfear with - you've guessed it - their ability to make yet more money. As far as I'm aware you're even worse off in the US. The Banks are repossesing houses and you're watching your ecomony float merrily down the toilet.

On top of that those who you have elected to represent you at this time of crisis are by and large stinking rich and unaffected by the cuts they are forcing on the rest of you. Same here in the UK. Funny they say we're all in this together just before they swan off to Corsica.

So kudos on actually taking a stand. It's time that somebody did. But allow me to make a suggestion that might allow things to run a little smoother.

As far as I'm aware you have issued twenty two seperate declarations refering to the "occupation of New York" explaning your motives for doing what you are doing and you have yet to issue a list of possible solutions to the problems you are protesting against.

So let me suggest that you do two things. One: Assemble one declaration listing your grivences and aims. This will be easier for those in authority to digest and will open up channels for discussion. Two: When you have opened up these channels present those you are talking to with a list of solutions to the problems outlined in your manifesto.

This way you seem like serious protestors rather than a load of hippy cranks.

Once again, I have the greatest of respect for what you are doing. I just believe this way you will be able to achieve much more.


William Davie

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