Friday, 18 November 2011

Pizza as a What?

There comes a time I believe when humans can no longer be shocked by world events. We can predict the outcome of most events based on an almost identical event that has gone before. The US wants to make Rick Perry President? Fine. They elected George Bush (twice). We know how this is going to end.

We become the equivilent of those Accident and Emergency Doctors who have seen every example of human stupidity you care to imgine (and some you wouldn't) and thus are no longer phased if a man walks in with a pool cue stuffed up his left nostril, "That looks painful Mr Jones. Now just wait here while I get the jig saw and the pliars."

But inevitably, just after you reach this "Plateu of Disbelief" something will crop up, an idea so monumentally insane that you have to re-draw the boundries of stupidity.

Something like the US Congress classing Pizza as a vegetable.

Now I've checked. The Congress is not run by nine year old children, no do we exisit within the brain of one - the only two situatiosn where that idea makes even the tinest bit of sense - so either Congress have gone crazy, are in hop to the Lobbiests or both.

I suspect both.

Now according to my sources this may be an attempt by Congress to combat what some consider the Obama Administations rather draconian healthy eating laws - though any group without monetary interest who doesn't think healthy eating is a good thing need their heads checking - essentially allowing Children to eat childhood foods. That's something I could probably support.

But there's a limit to the sensible. There's wanting kids to have pizza, then there's classifying the thing as a vegetable. They just tap dances all over the line. Can you imagine the dinner table conversations?

"Did you have your five-a-day Timmy?"


"What did you have?"

"Umm..Peas, carrots, brocoli, sprouts. And a meat feast."

I tell you. This way madness lies.

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