Michael Gove is not a
popular Education Secretary. The fact that he has been the subject of a vote of
no confidence from both of the major teaching unions stands as a testament to
this. But then again, this shouldn’t be surprising. Very few Education
Secretaries are ever popular. And there’s a very simple reason for this.
Despite the fact that
few - if any – Education Secretaries have actually been teachers, they seem to
believe they know what’s better for teachers and schools than the teachers
This is something that
has always confused me. I fail to understand why, as soon as a party takes
power, or before then when they are writing their manifestoes, they start
talking to think tanks and analysts and specialists and then come up with an
education policy, rather than getting the teaching unions in a room, and going
“Right. Other than better pay and less paperwork, what can we actually do to
make education better? Tell us. You are the experts.”
Because they are.
Someone who has been teaching for twenty years is far more likely to know what
makes schools good and teaching easier than someone who worked for The Times before becoming an MP. It’s
not rocket science, it’s just common sense.
This isn’t just true of
the education system either. Want to know what’s best for the NHS? Why not ask
the Doctors and the Nurses. As the people who spend their lives as part of it,
they probably have a pretty good idea of what needs to happen in order to make
it better. Get their opinions and not only will you have decent policy, but you
will have their support when you come to announce it, something you can use as
clout with the electorate.
Government, especially
in the UK, is supposed to be representative. That’s why we are called a
“representative democracy.” Our MPs represent the people and are apparently
supposed to listen to what they have to say, and act accordingly. And yet, when
it comes to forming policy, they never seem to be willing to listen. Rather,
they go with what they think is the right thing to do, regardless of how many
voices are screaming at them to stop and think and try again. Then they wonder at
election time why nobody is happy with them, or with what they are doing.
If politicians are
really keen to get people interested in politics again, then they need to make
politics relevant, and, yes, representative. Rather than simply passing down
commandments and policies from on high, they need to come down here with the
rest of us, ask our opinions, get our views. And when they have them, they need
to do something with them. Only then, will people truly believe that
politicians have their best interests at heart, and only then will they feel
comfortable getting involved with politics again. It’s not hard. They just need
to start listening.
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